Nolten Schoenen is de meest toonaangevende schoenenwinkel van Haaglanden met filialen in Den Haag, Leidschendam, Zoetermeer, Delft en Rijswijk. In 1973 zijn wij gestart met één winkel op de Frederik Hendriklaan in Den Haag, in 2011 bezitten wij negen filialen en een webshop. ...[ Volledig Profiel ]
AMANI produces and sells all over the world. Customers include major fashion houses, department stores, wholesalers, shoe-chains , but our most important clientele remains the retail business, both independent as well as members of buying companies.
AMANI participates in the ...[ Volledig Profiel ]
Amsterdam Shoe Company aims to create products that are true to their essence. We draw inspiration from the staples of men's footwear both casual and formal. Our aesthetic is modern and classic. Simple, elegant shapes executed in the right fabrics and subtle colors. Our products ...[ Volledig Profiel ]
My ASICS is een gratis service voor hardlopers. Je kunt een geïndividualiseerd trainingsschema aanmaken, een logboek bijhouden en je prestatie analyseren. Of je nu je marathontijd wil verbeteren of gewoon wil beginnen met trainen voor je eerste wedstrijd, My ASICS helpt je om ...[ Volledig Profiel ]
This is where you will find everything you want to know about Bata Industrials, such as our history, which started in 1894, and which brought the company from the Czech Republic to our current location in the Netherlands. You can also learn more about our organisation within the ...[ Volledig Profiel ]
Shoe activists, shoe-fanatics, shoe-istas. Call us what you want. At Bronx we just love shoes. It’s in our blood and actually has been for more than 125 years.
Bronx stands for sparkling femininity with a tough attitude.
We use high quality materials and almost ...[ Volledig Profiel ]
The spirit and character of their original collaboration lives on today in all of our shoes and clothing. Elegance, comfort and heaps of style can now be enjoyed by all: men, women, young or old.